Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Philly Sports

Hello, sports fans. Today.. err well.. tonight I guess (tomorrow?), I am here to vent about the thing I hold maybe most dearly to my heart, and also what I seriously wish I had never came to love as a child. The name of this post obviously gives it away; I love to hate and hate to love my Philly sports teams. Born in '96, the time that I really started to be invested in something other than my G.I. Joes and Thomas the Train sets was around 2004 or so when I was about 8 and starting to play tackle football.

My parents knew I was a visual learner so they taught me the game through showing me Eagles highlights and sitting me down on the couch on NFL Sundays. If any of you forget, this was the same year the Eagles went on their magical run to the Super Bowl and, although they lost, they managed to lure me in with guys like TO, McNabb, and hell, I haven't missed a player more than I do David Akers. I vividly remember my first game watching them, when TO streaked down the field on his first play for some long ass touchdown and then squirrel danced right in Ray Lewis's face. This was the birth of a die hard Philly sports fan and God damn that team for making this happen.

12 years, a Phillies World Series win, and a whole bunch of years of futility between the 4 major teams and I'm officially in the past-the-honeymoon-stage-but-too-Christian-to-divorce type relationship with all of my sports teams right now. The Sixers and Phillies have been historically bad and have morons with money (see Josh Harris, Skype all-star Jerry Colangelo) leading our nosedive into the world's worst sports city nomination, the Eagles apparently just hired a guy cause he's good at calling plays but he isn't actually good at calling plays and might have had sex with his former secretary, **deep breaths** and I don't really know about hockey so I'm gonna include the Flyers by saying that at least they're consistent in being mediocre!(?) So as I sit here at this table in my kitchen in College Station, I'm truly devastated that I waited til I was in PA to watch TV because maybe, just maybe, I could be another one of those Cowboy/Texas/GOOD FOR NOTHING SPORTS FANS that brags about their history of being good WHEN LATELY THEY'VE SUCKED JUST AS MUCH AS WE HAVE.

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